Monday, July 27, 2009


Akhirnya penentianQ berakhir sudah setelah berbulan-bulan aku menunggu pengumuman S2.

Thanks Ya ALLAH, Engkau memberiQ kesempatan untuk mengenyam pendidikan ke S2.

I' am so happy now :)

But, it's not ending yet

I must work hard to get my destination

Thanks, for all my friend who support me everytime to not hopeless before annoucement master program is out

Keep our self Cris, u must sure U can do it !!!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hiiii...... Chuwy Come Back Here

Hi world, many word i want say but i haven't much time to tell story about my life after graduated from University. I just make a wish that if i am accepted in master program i'll be work more hard. But i have dream that my effort will be sucess. I believe i can do what i want !!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello World

This is my first post. Duh bikin blog ternyata susah-susah mbulet. Tapi ga papa yang penting tetap Semangat Coy. Aku buat di blogspot coz dengar2 mudah buat tampilannya bagi pemula seperti tampilan di friendster.

Buat blogger laen salam kenal mohon bantuannya buat menambah ilmu Blog biar kagak kuper neh

gambar emo diambil dari sini